Our Food Philosophy


All of my work is infused with the principles below. Strung through every lecture, each cooking lesson, and every bite offered- we use FOOD as our absolute FOUNDATION. As I say to all of my clients- I cannot guarantee that you will do the workout, meditate regularly, or even take your supplements. But I can guarantee- you will eat. Let’s take the cliche out of “Food as Medicine” and make that work in your real life.



Despite the many “diet” labels available today, we choose to adhere to none. To us, the basis of ALL that we do is to promote a healthy, healed and sealed gut lining while decreasing chronic inflammation. Eating in this way allows the body to truly digest, assimilate and utilize every bite. The benefits of this reverberate through every cell, no matter how taxed.

We work with the understanding that as modern humans, we are bombarded (from conception onward) by foreign, and often toxic elements in our environment. From overt chemical exposures to food lacking in nutrition, the human body today has more to contend with on a cellular level than ever before. 

In practice eating for whole body-mind health looks like taking away the individual triggers (be it gluten, sugars, dairy, etc) and formulating a plan that fits YOU, right now, everyday

science-based | Systems approach | ROOT CAUSE MEDICINE | food as foundation

Functional Nutrition refers to the dietary arm of Functional Nutrition, a science-based approach to root cause medicine. In practice, this looks like identifying and treating the root cause of symptoms, rather than simply suppressing them, using food as your foundation.

In our Functional Nutrition approach we take a look at you as a whole human. From your diagnostic labs, genetic makeup and your personal life experience we develop a plan that works for you, as unique as you are.

We believe that your food should work for you, not against you. This is always a discovery mission with each client, uncovering years worth of habits and patterning to reveal a way of eating that unlocks healing potential and deeply nourishes you, allowing you to feel vibrant from the inside out. We help you let go of bloating, constipation, pain, water retention, brain fog by addressing the root cause. You are not doomed to feel crappy friend!



in the home kitchen | delicious & doable | lifestyle shifts

The dietary shifts you make for your health must flow into your day-to-day if you want them to last! If you dread meal prepping, get lost in intimidation on what to eat, or despise the food your prepare, it will be difficult to get very far. You must love what you eat, not fear food, nor dread prepping food for yourself and/or your family. 

So, we get hands on! In one-on-one consultation, we will take our science based principles and apply them to your shopping, prepping, and cooking methods. R

If you are lucky enough to be in our area and work with us through our orivate meal prep service. Whether you choose to have my team and I prepare your weekly, bi-weekly or monthly meal sets or you commit to a month of cooking classes with me in your home, the rubber hits the road in the kitchen.